General Questions

General Questions

Can I take photos or film during the MECC Parties?

It is not allowed to make photos with a professional camera during the MECC Parties. Professional filming is also not allowed.

Can I take my children to the MECC Parties?

No you cannot.

Are lockers available?

Yes, lockers are available. Please not: these lockers are small in size, a large backpack or suitcase will most likely not fit. You can buy them during the MECC Parties for 1 day, or for the whole week.

Are there any ATM’s at the MECC?

No there are no ATM’s in the MECC building. Luckily you can also buy INKOM coupons with credit and debit card!

Can I buy cigarettes?

No you cannot. We strongly dissuade from smoking. It is also not allows to smoke in the MECC building.

Where can I park my bicycle?

You can park your bicycle in the aforementioned bicycle parking at the MECC building.